Hanoi mobilizes all resources for vaccinations against COVID-19 (17:38 14/06/2021)

HNP - Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee Chu Ngoc Anh has recently signed Official Letter No. 1712/UBND-KT on mobilizing all social resources to combat COVID-19 and accelerate the purchase and administration of vaccines.

According to the document, in 2021, the pandemic has been evolving more complicatedly and unpredictably. 
In an effort to stamp out the disease, Hanoi asked district-level authorities in collaboration with the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s local chapters and relevant units to strengthen communication on the COVID-19 effort and call on donations and supports from individuals and organizations to the COVID-19 vaccine fund.
All enterprises and organizations in the city are encouraged to use their  own funding sources to ensure vaccination for their   employees.
The municipal People’s Committee also assigned the Department of Finance to work with relevant units in allocating budgets and mobilizing resources to cover COVID-19 vaccination needs of all residents.

By Tran Huong

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