Hanoi’s mayor meets voters in Soc Son district (11:48 01/10/2022)

HNP - On September 30, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee, Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh, and  the city's representatives to the National Assembly held a meeting with voters in Soc Son District.  

At the meeting, National Assembly deputy Hoang Van Cuong informed voters about the schedule of the fourth session of the 15th National Assembly. Accordingly, at the upcoming fourth session, the National Assembly will discuss and approve 7 bills and 3 draft resolutions; give feedback on 7 other bills; the National Assembly will also debate and decide on socio-economic issues, state budget, supervision and other important issues.

National Assembly deputy Nguyen Anh Tri then presented a summary report of the competent agencies with regard to the petitions of voters in Soc Son district made at the previous session.

Speaking at the conference, voters of Soc Son district put forth many opinions and recommendations related to planning, transport infrastructure and environment. Voters of Phu Linh commune proposed to deal with some sections of National Highway 3 that are often partially flooded in the rainy season, affecting people's travel. They also said the planning of sporting grounds and outdoor studios in the commune has been slow, affecting lives of some households. they asked to speed up the project of the horse racecourse in the commune.

Voters of Nam Son commune suggested the city pay attention to specific policies for people to change the structure of crops and livestock production; pay more attention to site clearance, environmental sanitation, and handling of overloaded garbage trucks at Nam Son Waste Treatment Complex. Voters expect the city to pay close attention to solving striking infrastructure problems in villages and communes around the Nam Son Waste Treatment Complex.

At the conference, representatives of leaders of departments, agencies and sectors of the city and Soc Son district discussed a number of related recommendations under their jurisdiction; in which the departments committed to inspect and immediately handle the urgent issues mentioned by voters.

On behalf of the National Assembly deputies of the 10th Constituency and the Hanoi National Assembly Delegation, Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh received all 10 opinions and 26 recommendations from voters in Soc Son district, and noted all of these opinions would be forwarded to relevant agencies to settle and deal with according to their competence; at the same time clarifying a number of contents within the city's jurisdiction.

Regarding planning, transport infrastructure and environment issues mentioned by Soc Son district voters, Chairman of the City People's Committee Tran Sy Thanh asked the city's departments and branches to review the projects in the investment list to urgently implement them in this term and soon make an investment portfolio for the next term; in which, it is necessary to review and resolutely withdraw long-delayed projects. Along with that, the Chairman of the City People's Committee suggested that the leaders of the People's Committee of Soc Son district need to stay focused and determined to   solving cases and petitions of voters in the area on social and civil issues.

By Hai Nam

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