The Ha Noi Women’s Union (01:46 31/03/2014)

Add.: 72 Quan Su StreetTel.: 0439424304Fax:  0439424304

The functions of the Union include:
- Representing and protecting equality, democratic rights, legitimate and legal interests for women; involving in the Party building and in the State management;
- Promoting solidarity, disseminating  and  and educating women to fulfill the Party policy and abide by the State laws, hence contributing to the construction and defense of the Socialist Viet Nam . 
Its tasks include:
1. Disseminating, educating and encouraging women to maintain and enhance the fine traditional values of the nation and of the Vietnamese women, along with facilitating women to raise their  competence, capability and awareness so as to realize their tasks for socio-economical development, for national defense and security and for prosperous , progressive  and happy families;
2. Involving in social feedbacks and  monitoring the implementation of laws and regulations on gender equality and protection of women’s legitimate interests; giving advice and proposing to the Party and State the policies related to the women work, thus facilitating them to realize equality and development 
3. Gathering and mobilizing women from all walks of life to build a strong women  organization; raising the quality and competence of the women staff so as to meet the needs of the country in the  industrialization - modernization process in a context of international economic integration; 
4. Promoting the solidarity and cooperation with women organizations and progressive individuals in the region and the world for equality, development and peace.
List of leaders:
Chairwoman Nguyen Minh Ha - Tel. 39423132 
Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thanh - Tel 39427504
Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Thanh - Tel. 39425086
Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Tuyet - Tel.38221081 
Vice Chairwoman Tran Thi Ngoc - Tel. 38222859 
Vice Chairwoman Phan Thi Loi - Tel.39411247 
Chief of the Ha Noi Women Union’s Office Tran Thi Phuong Hoa - Tel. 39422881

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