Presence (01:23 15/01/2010)
HNP – Hanoi has been considered as an economic center for a very long time. The street names of Hang Bac, Hang Duong ang Hang Than was a clear evidence for this. In recent centuries, with the strong development of Saigon and the southern region, Hanoi has been the second important position in the Vietnamese economy.


Transport (01:22 15/01/2010)
HNP – Being the capital city located in the heart of Vietnam’s northern region, transport condition from Hanoi to other Vietnamese localities are quite favorable, including air, road, waterway and railway.


Tourism (01:22 15/01/2010)
HNP – Compared with other cities and provinces in Vietnam, Hanoi boasts potentials for tourism development. In the inner city, along with architectural works, Hanoi owns the most diversified museum system in the country. The city owns many advantages to introduce Vietnamese culture to foreign visitors via folk theaters and stages as well as traditional handicraft villages.


HNP – Hanoi has 24 traditional handicraft villages which started from the industries of rice and farm produce cultivation. The traditional handicraft industry was former a secondary job for leisure time after harvest.


Healthcare services (01:21 15/01/2010)
HNP – Hanoi has a high density of public healthcare centers with 86 units managed by the local Department of Health (as of late 2008).


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