Thang Long-Hanoi magnanimity, patriotism (01:10 15/01/2010)

HNP – It is very lucid for the Ly Dynasty King to choose Thang Long as the country’s capital and this is a nation’s historic turning-point and a start for an age of independence and prosperity of Vietnamese people.

Follow in forerunners’ footsteps to join the army

When the country was conquered and controlled for 1,000 years by Chinese invaders, any uprisings against oppression were put down cruelly. Almost all fights were heavily dependant on people’s defense as well as safety of bases. Even though Ngo Quyen led the army to seize the power and independence, the nation was still rather weak. In order to protect himself, the leader not only relied on his bravery but also rough terrain court and take full use of time to enhance strength of troops and the whole country.

In fact, bright achievements by previous dynasties have paved the way for Ly Cong Uan to accede to the throne and have sufficient strength and courage to move the capital to a new place. Thus, the idea to move the capital is not only attributed to lucid decision by Ly Cong Uan but also a well-prepared chance and it is in appropriate to natural law and man’s heart.
In term of favorable terrain and concord among the people:

The plan to move the capital was fully agreed by courtier: “Sire makes long-term plan for people in order to ensure prosperity of fortune and wealthy of the mass, no one dares to contravene against such goodwill.”
Moving the capital satisfied people’s expectations

Vietnamese people had struggled for years and laid down their lives for their motherland’s independence and reunification. People hardly forget disgrace of the 1,000-year domination by northern invaders; thus, they wanted their leaders to uphold national heroic tradition as well as quickly make the country powerful.

The plan to move the capital, which is in line with clement weather, favorable terrain and concord among the people, was expected to open a new period with resuscitation of the Vietnam dragon.

- “Holly land with preeminent men”:

The Tan Son Tinh Saint (Thanh Tan Son Tinh) was a mountain genie who was younger brother of Cao Son and Quy Minh and adored across the country, particularly in southern part of Hanoi.

The second immortal genie, Giong Saint Temple-Phu Dong Thien Vuong-Solar Genie of Ancient Viet Nation (Viet Co), is a hero of the Ly-Tran-Le-Nguyen Dynasties and nowadays.

Along the Cai-Bo De-Lo-Nhi, Chu Xa-Van Duc Temples in Gia Lam as well as Da Hoa and Da Trach Temples in Khoai Chau are to worship the third immortal genie-the couple Chu Dong Tu-Tien Dung.

The Thang Long-Ha Noi is home to famous “religion house” (dao quan) like “Linh Tien house” in Hoai Duc, Chan Vu Temple at Sai mountain (Chan Vu Nui Sai) in Dong Anh, Chan Vu house (Chan Vu Quan) (commonly known as Quan Thanh temple or Bac De House (Quan Bac De) since the Ly Dynasty), Huyen Thien house (Huyen Thien Quan) (Hang Khoai curved with poetry by Tran Quang Khai), Dong Thien House (Dong Thien Quan (at Tam Thuong allay in Y Lan), Vong Tien House (Vong Tien Quan) (in Hang Bong, of Le Thanh Tong Dynasty).

Confucianism is famous for the Temple of Literature (Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam) that is over 900 years old. The Buddhism also boasts a large number of pagodas including One Pillar (Mot Cot) pagoda that was built in 1049, Khai Quoc or Tran Quoc that was built in the Ly Nam De Dynasty in 554 before the Christian era, Xoe Nhai-Quang Ba of Tao Khe Zen that was equipped with beautiful tower in the 18th century:

The Ly Dynasty tended to adore sacred genies and worship them in Thang Long capital to make the city deserve the name “holly land”:

          The Dong Co Son Temple adores genie in Buoi area

          Soc Thien Vuong Temple in Son La province

          Hai Ba Trung temple in Dong Nhan area

          Royal Highest Bo Cai Temple in Quang Ba, Kim Ma

I have said for times that Thang Long-Dong Do-Dong Kinh-Ha Noi is the hub of rivers and talented people
Many Hanoians have known about four temples (Tu Tran) of Dong Do-Dong Kinh:

-         Bach Ma temple in Hang Buom area that was built in the 18th or 19th century in the eastern part of Hanoi carved with poetries by Tran Quang Khai of the Tran Dynasty.

-         Linh Lang Temple in Thu Le area that was built in the Ly Dynasty in the western part of Hanoi.

-         Quan Thanh (or commonly known as Chan Vu House) in the northern part of Hanoi.

-        Cao Son temple in Kim Lien area that ranges from O Cho Dua to O Cau Denand was built in the Le Dynasty in the southern part of Hanoi.

          The aforementioned relics are spotlights of the ancient capital and should be protected and embellished appropriately.


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