Location of Thang Long Royal Citadel (00:49 15/01/2010)

HNP – Royal citadel is the area surrounding the royal palace and fourth of fifth open to the Eastern Gate. In the past, the East Gate spread to Hang Can-Hang Duong; Cua Dong Pagoda at 38 Hang Duong; Cua Dong Temple at 10 Hang Can. In the West, stele of Doi Pagoda was built at “The western gate of the west of the Forbidden City”. The Western gate, as said before, is located between Hung Vuong-National Assembly House The North (the current Northern Gate), the South: two gates, one in the side of Cua Nam Market, now looks towards Cua Nam flower garden and the other at the of the current Cot Co, straight the destroyed  Kinh Thien – Doan Mon - Cua Nam axis.

Photo: Hanoi ancient citadel

Generally, Thang Long Royal Citadel in the Ly Dynasty was built under the architectural style of “Tam trung thanh quach” (three concentric circles of the citadel). The outer circle is called Dai La (La thành), the middle called Hoang thanh (Royal Citadel) and the interior named as Cam Thanh or Noi Cam and Cam Noi (Forbidden Citadel). The Cam Thanh has walls surrounding major palaces and the southern gate is Doan Mon as mentioned earlier.

The current Nung Mountain was called Kinh Thien Palace in the Le Dynasty, Thien An Palace earlier, Thien An and Can Nguyen palaces in the Ly-Tran-Le dynasties. These were the center of Thang Long Royal Citadel and Forbidden Citadel during the time of the Ly-Tran-Le dynasties. The excavation at the area planned for National Assembly House and the new Ba Dinh Hall are part of the western center of Royal Citadel and Forbidden Citadel in the Ly-Tran-Le dynasties.

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