The Ha Noi Peasants’ Association (01:30 31/03/2014)

Add. 29 Hoang Dieu Street, Ha Dong district Tel. (04).33824567 – (04).33553140

The Association’s tasks and functions include 
- Popularizing and educating the political line and policy of the Party and the State for peasants;
- Supervising the implementation of the Statute of Agriculture Co-operatives;
- Reflecting legitimate aspirations of the peasants; proposing for amendment and supplement to the agriculture related policies and rules so as to enhance the rights of collective mastership of peasants;
- Encouraging the emulation movements for production and saving in agriculture so as to fulfill successfully the projected targets of the State ;
- Guiding the use of welfare fund of agricultural co-operatives to improve material and cultural life for peasants.
List of the Association leaders
Chairman Trinh The Khiet- Tel.33822534
Vice Chairman Do Ngoc Toan - Tel. 37716851
Vice Chairwoman Vu Thuy Lan - Tel.33524139 
Vice Chairwoman Bui Thi Bich Hang - Tel. 37716850 
Chief of the Association’s Office Le Trung Hung - Tel. 33824567

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