Six key tasks of administration reform (06:21 06/04/2017)

HNP - Ha Noi emphasizes administration reform as one of the key political tasks in order to create significant progress in administration modernization towards professional, effective, comprehensive and inter-level administration.

Since the beginning of 2017, the city has proactively implemented plan on administration reform, and specified key missions in order to create significant development in administrative discipline. The People’s Committee continues effort to enhance leadership and specify responsibility of officials, especially the leaders, in performing duties.

Drastic measures are taken to consolidate and re-organize public service delivery units; basically, city’s public service delivery units are arranged completely, and districts’ public service delivery units are restructured in accordance with actual condition. Administrative discipline is popularized among cadres and civil servants, and inspection and supervision is increased; as a result, attitude, behavior and service quality of the civil servants are improved remarkably.

Along with administration reform, the city pays special attention to reforming public finance. Management of public finance and asset is increased according to regulations; state investment in state-owned enterprises is restructured. Information technology is applied further in the fields of state management; leadership, operation and implementation of administration reform are improved significantly, in particular reform of administrative procedures for enterprises and livelihood, health, transport, issuance of land use right certificate, social insurance and health insurance for employees, and environment protection.

In order to promote the success, Ha Noi aims to implement six key tasks as following:

- Further perform duties according to the city’s administration reform plan for 2017, while implementing Year of Administrative Discipline 2017 campaign as scheduled;

- Review and systemize legal documents; propose amendment or amend legal documents which are no more appropriate with the city’s authority; standardize administrative procedures; complete internal process, coordination process and inter-level process among agencies at all levels and sectors in performing duties and handling administrative procedures; review and finalize inter-level coordination process among city’s departments, agencies, People’s Committees of districts, suburban districts and towns in handling internal processes;

- Further realize Resolution 39-NQ/TW of the Politburo and Decree 108/2014/ND-CP dated November 20, 2014 of the Government on reducing the size of workforce, Directive 108/2014/ND-CP dated January 6, 2017 of the Prime Minister on increasing effort for reduction in workforce; arrange, consolidate the agencies and focal points from city level to grassroots level, hence guaranteeing smooth and effective operation;

- Further implement Directive 01/CT-UBND of the Municipal People’s Committee Chairman; issue and implement plan on implementing Year of Administrative Discipline 2017 campaign; increase qualification and sense of discipline of cadres as well as civil servants; launch Code of Conduct for civil servants and employees in state agencies of Ha Noi;

- Promote the application of information technology in all fields, striving to modernize management, operation and services of state agencies and improve quality of online public services; create favorable conditions for people as well as businesses in processing administrative procedures;

- Increase inspection and examination, focusing on implementation of the city's administration reform plan, implementation of legal documents, administrative discipline and handling of administrative violations; improve management of the contingent of cadres and civil servants as well as work positions in administrative agencies and public service delivery units.

By Mai Phuong

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