Village of old villas (17:20 26/10/2017)

HNP - Located in the outskirt of Ha Noi in Van Tu Commune, Phu Xuyen District, Cuu Village is about 40 km from the city center. Unlike other traditional villages with typical houses in rural areas, it is famous for dozens of old villas in French style.

The houses were built in the early 20th century, and stand close to each other. Walking around the blue stone path and narrow alleys of the village, visitors can enjoy the old French architecture and the peaceful, taciturn atmosphere.


A house built in 1929

Cuu was originally a farm village. In 1921, a fire destroyed half of the village. Many residents moved to Ha Noi to find a way to earn living by making western-style clothes. With skillful hands, they made fashionable suits and dresses for the French and wealthy people of Ha Noi. Soon the Cuu people were known for their craft of making suits and dresses; many of them did a good business and became rich. The former villagers began to adopt western lifestyle, and returned to their birthplace to build villas in French architecture style, which was popular at the time. Cuu village became home to modern houses built between 1930 and 1945; many of them had the appearance of French villas. It is interesting that architectural style and decoration of the house show the personality of its owner. According to the village elders, in the past, wealthy people in the village paid special attention to building their houses. For some villas, it took craftsmen a year to carve the doors.

By Mai Phuong

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