Tradition of exquisite talent, elegance (01:01 15/01/2010)

HNP – Hanoi, with an approx 1,000-year history, converges Vietnamese culture and civilization; thus, Hanoians are naturally representatives of “Vietnamese behavior”.           Though they are not perfumed, they are still jasmine         Though they are not elegant, they are still Trang An people

Viet Phu Thanh Chuong – A unique installation work

Poet Nguyen Dinh Thi said Ho Guom Lake, Hong Ha, and Ho Tay Lake are the places where accumulates soul of the 1,000-year capital while Vietnamese dialects, which were brought about, chosen and converged into Hanoian language by people from the aforementioned four areas. This language, which is called “Ho Guom language” by Writer To Hoai, is the most bright representative of pure Vietnamese language.

Hanoians have been talented in fighting the enemy, doing business, studying, and recreation; they are also very sensitive to international and national news lines. Apart from charming bodies of Hanoian girls, the current Hanoi is still in a transitional period towards socialism. This is a revolutionary period when people’s lives are still unstable and poor; new lifestyle emerges while the old way of living has not grown dim; the good and the bad are in a jumble and hard to distinguish, resulting in ridiculous behavior among Hanoians during the transitional period.

No ones like ridiculous behavior including madcaps, having a foul mouth, and dressing in a ridiculous manner. Almost all people feel sad to see dirtiness at streets, sewage systems, relics and beauty spots as well as on objects, clothes, languages, behavior and soul of people who have a good fame of Hanoians but are not as elegant as real Hanoians.

I disagree that it is an indispensable trend to make Hanoi have specific characteristics of farmers and rural lifestyle during the transitional period. We can not deny that level and rate of industrialization in Hanoi is not as speedy as expected and that worker class in Hanoi has not yet been good at quantity regardless of quality to act as a firm mainstay for the municipal society, lifestyle, way of working and communication in the community.

The current Hanoi has escaped from sponging on rural areas across the country, particularly the Red River delta.

Though Hanoi is the leading urban area nationwide, which is as honorable as the title “Capital city”, urbanization in the city is still at slow pace and is not as effective as expected. Area of Hanoi is larger but lifestyle of real Hanoi has not yet as standard as required while districts in the inner city have been overloaded for years and it is uneasy for the city to improve the situation.

Though planning for Hanoi is good, authorities’ competence and implementation are still weak, which become worse amid the lack of legal framework and cursoriness in making urban architecture, causing disorders and wiping harmony. Natural and social harmony seems to be the basis of beauty and people’s happiness.

Currently, Hanoians are struggling to get rid of the economic stagnation and fault of elegant tradition via a steering committee for basic survey to scrutinize all municipal natural, social and human resources.
- Habits and customs

Deeply endowed with traditional morality that is enriched by viewpoints of Confucianism, living customs by Vietnamese people is indicated by the strict compliance with hierarchy between the superior and the inferior among families and clans as well as strong attachment, love and protection among family and clan members.

The customs can be found at almost all of families in Thang Long-Hanoi but to some extent, some habits are very typical of Hanoians as the hierarchy is manifested naturally in order to foster equal and harmonious relationship between family members with respect to the superior and priority to children.

Vietnam is known as a country with a good tradition of being eager to learn, which is demonstrated by the Temple of Literature in Thang Long-Hanoi that is the country’s first university and indicates quintessence of the nation’s education for years.

Good habits and customs have been formed thanks to the tradition of being eager to learn, including teacher veneration and respect to moral standards, which mean that teachers are more superior to fathers in the pupil-teacher-father relationship. This custom is indicated by careful preparations by children and fathers for initiation ceremonies, including having a careful bath and dressing, bringing children to teachers’ houses and making a service of divine worship to the patron saint of Confucian.

People have been paying more and more attention to study and the whole capital treasures wording so much that they neither dare to step on papers filled with words nor use that kind of paper for packing, cleansing as they think it would be guilty to do so. Everyday, some people walk along streets to collect papers filled with words to burn as votive papers. They set a wide range of taboos for children including not eating rice crust at the bottom of the pot for a fear of being dullards; not eating chicken legs for a fear of tremble while writing, not studying at the time when chickens go to bed for a fear of being night-blind and slow-witted. Though many of the taboos are irrational, they still help enhance people’s respect to studying.

Under Confucianism, friendship is one among five basic relationships in the Feudalism. This relation puts reliability on the top of priorities.

In the capital city, where is the country’s socioeconomic center, Thang Long people communicate with one another widely and warmly. In addition to having a large number of friends, Thang Long people always advocate purity of friendship as well as good communication customs. People with the same ambitions and gratefulness often make friends with one another and they are willing to share all joys and sorrows.

In comparison with people in other places, Thang Long people are rich and well-educated; which facilitated them to maintain their traditional customs as forerunners said “honors change manners”. Thang Long people not only apply the traditional customs but also change and add some more to their habits, particularly weddings, funerals, death anniversaries and festivities, which resulted in prolix, sophistication and great costs.

However, things that form Thang Long characters in their customs do not mean honors change manners but refer to the ways that Thang Long people display their preciseness upon implementation of these customs. Thus, Thang Long people are impressive to their neighbors thanks to their elegance, which is one of fine beauties by Thang Long people in all communication circumstances.

                                  The highest is Ba Vi Mountain

               The most elegant, the prettiest is Thang Long Capital

Vietnamese people are very hospitable, which is can be clearly seen in behavior of Thang Long people. When visiting a Thang Long person’s family, guests are received warmly and sincerely. The hosts often attached to and tried to keep guests to stay more by their goodwill. Distant guests are often welcomed with friendly smiles and warm compliments by traders and owners of restaurants and guest houses.

-Hanoian language or Ho Guom language according to Writer To Hoai:

Vietnamese language is united from the north to the south but dialects are different in accents and sounds as well as some words and letters. Hanoian language is not like any other dialects of Vietnamese language as it is accumulated by cultural achievements, and combination and creation of all dialects of Vietnam through various generations from four aforementioned areas. Initially, they used their vernacular languages when coming to Hanoi and then change gradually via communications and generations to form a new language so-called Ho Guom language. The Hanoian language originated from interference of all Vietnamese dialects as Ha Noi is the country’s economic and cultural center.

Smartness is a necessary and obligatory element of culture in the capital city or Thang Long-Hanoi, particularly in eating, wearing, living, traveling, teaching and working.
Professional skills belong to Ke Cho
The fragrant are Gaudy and Jasmine
The clever are workers and teachers in Ha Noi

When people work well at a transaction center that then opens to welcome new identities, the demand for making choices arises and it is essential to have ways to use up all the available specialties and curios.
Make efforts to choose Com Vong grilled rice

And choose Bach Hac persimmon to make people pleasured

A network of villages producing agro products and handicrafts took shape along the dyke, and craft streets were founded in the inner city with the most prominent being four major markets prior to four citadel gates in the Eastern, Western, Southern and Northern parts (to sell jackfruit in the Dong market, to sell persimmon in the Tay market, to sell rattan in the Huyen district and to sell silk at Dao Street). Also, a network of markets in the outskirts was set up in city gates of Buoi, Cau Giay, Dua market, Den Bridge and Dong Ba. Thus, people said “guavas in Quang Ba, fishes in Ho Tay (West Lake), pork-pie in Chem, fermented fork rolls in Ve, green grilled rice in Vong, Tam high-quality rice in Me Tri, soybean jam in Ban, and basil in Lang are the most delicious”, silk in Truc village is chic and shining, and linen in Buoi and chiffon in La.

The life filled with material prosperity and enriched spirit as well as the 1,000-year history of Thang Long-Dong Do-Ha Noi had tempered Hanoians an elegant lifestyle that is experienced but elegant, consistent but charming, chivalrous but elegant, opulent but not swanky, open-minded but not ridiculous when saying, eating, working and thinking.


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