Contents of Administrative procedures - Hà Nội Industrial and Export Processing Zone Management Board

Procedure Issuing Investment registration certificate to foreign-invested projects which are not subjected to the decision on the investment policies: The objectives of the investment project are not in the banned business line; in line with the industrial park plan already approved by the competent authorities; satisfy investment conditions for foreign investors in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 10 of the Government's Decree No. 118/2015 / ND-CP dated November 12, 2015 (if any).

Step 1: Investors must prepare the dossier according to the law and declare their investment project information at National Foreign Investment Information System (websites or

Step 2:  Investors prepare the dossier and submit the dossier to the One-Stop-Shop division of Ha Noi Industrial and Export Processing Zone Management Board.

Step 3: One-Stop-Shop division inspects the dossier. Completed and valid dossier shall be received. If the dossier is not completed or invalid, the investors shall be guided to complete the dossier according to the law.

Step 4: The investors receive the outcome at the One-Stop-Shop division according to regulated time.

Where to submit Investors submit the dossier directly to the One-Stop-Shop division of Ha Noi Industrial and Export Processing Zone Management Board (CC02 Building, Mo Lao Urban Area, Mo Lao, Ha Đong, Ha Noi).
Contents and number of the dossier

a) Content of the dossier:

- Written request for implementing the investment project

- Copies of Identity cards / Citizen identification cards / Passport number for individual investor; copies of the Establishment Certificate or other equivalent documents confirming legal status for institutional investors;

- Investment Project Proposal: investors implementing the project, investment objectives, investment scale, investment capital and capital mobilization plan, location, investment progress, the demand for labor, the proposal for investment incentives, the impact assessment, the socio-economic efficiency of the project;

- Copies of one of the following documents: the latest two-year financial statements of the investor; the commitment for financial support of the parent company; the commitment for financial support of the financial institution, the guarantee of financial capacity of the investor; documents explaining the financial capacity of the investors;

- Proposal for  a  need  of the land  usage;  if  the  project  does  not  require  the  State  to  allocate  or  lease  out  land  or  to  permit  the conversion  of  the  land  use  purpose,  applicants must submit a  copy of  the  site  lease agreement  or  other  document  certifying  that  the  investor  has  the  right  to  use  the  site  for implementation of the investment project;

- Explanation on the use of the technology for the projects using technology to restrict technology transfer according to the law on technology transfer, including the following contents: name of the technology, origin of the technology, diagram of  technological  process;  main  technical specifications, the condition  of  machinery, equipment and main technological line to be used;

- Business cooperation contract (BCC) for investment projects under the BCC.

b) Number of the dossier: 01(one) set

Processing duration Within 15 working days after receiving the complete and valid dossier.
Objects Organizations/ individuals who invest in the Industrial zones in Ha Noi
Competent agency Hà Nội Industrial and Export Processing Zone Management Board
Outcome Investment registration certificate
Fee None

- Form I.1 Circular No. 16/2015/TT-BKHDT dated November 18, 2015, providing forms for implementing investment procedures and reporting investment activities in Viet Nam.

- Form I.3 Circular No. 16/2015/TT-BKHDT dated November 18, 2015, providing forms for implementing investment procedures and reporting investment activities in Viet Nam.

Other requirements Clause 3, Article 29 of the Government's Decree No. 118/2015 / ND-CP dated November 12, 2015.
Legal basis

- Law on Investment No. 67/2014/QH13 dated November 26, 2014.

- Decree No. 29/2008/ND-CP dated March 14th 2008 of the Government regulating about industrial parks, export processing zones and economic zones.

- Decree No. 23/2015/ND-CP dated February 16, 2015 of the Prime Minister issuing copies from master registers, certification of true copies from originals, authentication of signatures and contracts.

- Decree No. 111/2011/ND-CP dated December 5, 2011 of the Government on consular certification and legalization.

- Decree No. 118/2015/ND-CP of the Government dated November 12, 2015 providing guidelines for implementation of a number of articles of Law on Investment.

- Circular No. 16/2015/TT-BKHDT dated November 18, 2015 of Ministry of Planning and Investment, regulations on application forms for investment procedures and reporting forms on investment in Viet Nam.

- Decision No. 63/2009/QD-UBND dated April 27, 2009 of Ha Noi People’s Committee on defining the functions, tasks, authority and organizational structure of the Ha Noi Industrial and Export Processing Zone Management Board.

Administrative procedures