Contents of Administrative procedures - Department of Industrial and Trade

Procedure Issuing additional registration for multi-level marketing organizations

- Organizations/ Citizens

+ Preparing dossier

+ Submission of dossier to the Section for Receiving Administrative Documents (or SRAD): No. 331, Cau Giay Street, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi.

+ Receiving receipt for the appointment of the date to get final results.

+ Receiving request for supplement to dossier (if any).

+ Paying fee, receiving the result.

- The Ha Noi Department of Industry and Trade

+ The SRAD shall guide organizations/citizens on how to follow the procedures as stipulated and write a receipt of the appointment of the date to get final results.

+ Dossier will be scanned by the Planning and Finance Section under the Department of Industry and Trade before  submitting to Vice Director of the Department for approval

+ Result shall be handed over to SRAD.

+ SRAD collects fee and gives applicant result.

Where to submit Directly at the Headquarters of the Ha Noi Department of Industry and Trade, No. 331, Cau Giay Street, Cau Giay District, Ha Noi
Contents and number of the dossier

- Application for issuance of additional Registration for multi-level marketing organization on standard form.

- The original copy of the issued registration certificate for multi-level marketing organization.

- Documents related to the amended contents of sales program.

Enterprises must take responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of the dossier.

* Number of the dossier: 01 (set)

Processing duration
Objects Organizations/citizens
Competent agency Department of Industrial and Trade
Outcome Registration
Fee VND 200.000 / a registration

- Application for issuance of additional registration for multi-level marketing organization

Other requirements


Legal basis

-    Commercial Law No. 36/2005/QH11 passed by the National Assembly (NA) on Jun 14, 2005.

-    Government Decree No. 110/2005/ND-CP dated August 24, 2005 managing multi-level marketing business.

-    Government Decree No. 06/2008/ND-CP dated January 16, 2008 on sanctioning of administrative violations in commercial activities.

-    MoJ Decision No. 92/2005/QD-BTC dated December 09, 2005 of the Ministry of Finance (MoJ) regulating the fee rates, collection and payment regime, management and use of fees for issuing registration for establishment of  multi-level marketing business.

-    Circular No. 19/2005/TT-BTM dated November 08, 2005 of Ministry of Trade (Now called the Ministry of Industry and Trade= MoIT) guiding the implementation of Government’s Decree No. 110/2005/ND-CP.

Administrative procedures