Contents of Administrative procedures - Department of Information and Communications

Procedure Importing non-commercial publication

- Citizen/organization prepares dossier according to the law.
- Citizen/organization selects one option to submit dossier.
One Stop Shop of the Department of Information and Communications receives and checks the dossier.
If the dossier is complete and valid, One Stop Shop will accept it and issue a receipt with an appointment of the time and date for return of the result.
If it remains incomplete, the applicant will be advised to add.
- Citizen/organization receives result on the date noted in the receipt at One Stop Shop section or via postal service.
Dossiers submitted via postal services are received and handled only if they meet following requirements:
- Papers are notarized according to the law;
- Contact information is included;
- Citizen/organization fills in the Registration form for receiving result of administrative procedures via postal service, and submit it together with the dossier.

Where to submit Where to submit dossiers: Option 1: The dossier can be submitted directly at the One Stop Shop of Department of Information and Communications, 185 Giang Vo Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi - Option 2: Dossier can be submitted via postal service to One Stop Shop of the Department of Information and Communications, 185 Giang Vo Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi - Option 3: Dossier can be submitted online on website of the Department of Information and Communications (www.
Contents and number of the dossier

Content of dossier
- Application for importing non-commercial publication (according to the form);
- List of publication to be imported (three copies);
- Copies of waybills, invoices, note of receiving goods (if any);
- Valid copies of ID/passport of applicant, if the applicant is an individual.

Number of dossier: One set

Processing duration Three working days from the date of receiving valid and complete dossier
Objects - Central organization and agency/ foreign organization headquartered in Ha Noi; - Vietnamese agency, organization and individual/foreign individual in Ha Noi or importing publications through Ha Noi’s border gates.
Competent agency Department of Information and Communications
Outcome Import License for non-commercial publication
Fee Fee for issuance: VND 50,000 per dossier Note: The Ha Noi Department of Information and Communications temporally does not collect fee for verifying content of the imported publication, because Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Information and Communications have not released written regulation on the affair.

- Application for Import License for non-commercial publication
- List of non-commercial publication (three copies)


Import license for publication is not required in following cases:
- Organization/agency/individual does not have to apply for import license for non-commercial publication, only has to fulfill customs procedure, if they import following publications:
+ Documents for international conferences, workshops in Viet Nam which are licensed by Vietnamese competent authority;
+ Publication of the organization/agency/individual for private use;
+ Publication as part of hand-luggage of a person entering Viet Nam for personal use (amount of the publication may not exceed the amount of tax exemption in accordance with the law);
+ Publication as gift to organization/agency/individual sent via postal or delivery services (amount of publication may not exceed the amount of tax exemption in accordance with the law).
- Publication import of the organization, agency, individual that enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities shall be implemented according to legal regulations on customs, privileges and immunities for foreign diplomatic representation, general consulate and representation of international organization in Viet Nam and international treaties to which Viet Nam is a member.

Other requirements none
Legal basis

- Publishing Law dated November 20, 2012;
- The Government’s Decree 195/2013/ND-CP dated November 21, 2013 on detailing some articles and measures for implementing Publishing Law and other relevant legal regulations;
- Circular 23/2014/TT-BTTTT dated December 29, 2014 of the Minister of Information and Communications, detailing and guiding implementation of some articles of Publishing Law and Government’s Decree 195/2013/ND-CP dated November 21, 2013 on detailing some articles and measures for implementing Publishing Law and other relevant legal regulations;
- Circular No. 214/2016 / TT-BTC dated November 10, 2016 of the Ministry of Finance regulating the rates, the collection, payment, management and use of fees for verifying content of non-commercial documents for giving publishing license, fee for granting of non-commercial publishing permits, and registration fee for import of publications for business.

Administrative procedures