Contents of Administrative procedures - Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Procedure Issuance of the license for photo exhibition in Ha Noi

-    A foreign organization/or an individual lodges a set of dossier in person or by postal service to the administrative procedures processing section attached to the Ha Noi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism.   

-    The Ha Noi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism receives and checks the dossier and returns the result to the applicant (s) as stipulated.

Where to submit Direct lodging to the Ha Noi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism at its Headquarters (No. 47, Hang Dau Street, Ha Noi).
Contents and number of the dossier

- Application for issuance of the license for photo exhibition in Viet Nam (Form 16); or official document, diplomatic notes.

- List of works proposed to display (specifying name of authors, name of works, material, size, quantity). Videodisc must guarantee quality, clear image, and specifying the content as prescribed for photo.

- Sample photos printed on photo-paper size from 9x12 cm and minimum size of 9x12 cm, content and caption of sample photos are similar to original photos.

- Copy of identity card (for Vietnamese), passport (for overseas Vietnamese and foreigners). In case of direct submission, it’s necessary to bring the original copy to compare; and in case of submission via post, it’s necessary to submit the legalized and certified copies.

Number of the dossier: 01(set)

Processing duration
Objects Organizations/individuals
Competent agency Department of Culture and Sports
Outcome - Liicense - Written reply (in case either license is denied/ or has not been issued).
Fee Based on the regulations of the Ministry of finance (MoJ) at the time of application for the license.

- Application for issuance of license for photo exhibition in Viet Nam.

Other requirements

- Photo exhibition displayed in Ha Noi to be organized by a Vietnamese individual , group of individuals  or a foreign individual or group of individuals . Art exhibition displayed in Ha Noi or in locals to be organized by central agencies, foreign organizations beyond the authority of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

- Submission date: at least seven (07) working days prior to the planned opening date.

- Photos must be consistent with the theme and contents of the exhibition; and they must have sources of origin and ownership or legitimate rights to use of exhibition organizer.

- Location for exhibition must have an area suitable to  the characteristics and scale of the exhibition. Social order and  security, social and  traffic safety and environmental hygiene, fire protection must be ensured.

- Organizers (individual organizations) facilitate the Ha Noi Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to scan their applications within 5 working days before the opening date of exhibition (when required).

Legal basis

-    Government Decree No 103/2009/ND-CP dated November 06, 2009 on promulgating the regulations on cultural activities and business activity related to the public culture services.

-    Government Resolution No.69/NQ-CP dated December 27, 2010 on simplification of the administrative procedures in the framework of the management functions of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

-    Article 6 of the Regulation on photography activities promulgated in conjunction with Decision No. 29/2000/QD-BVHTT which was amended and supplemented Decision No. 1412/QD-UBND dated March 30, 2010 by the Ha Noi People Committee on approval of the plan simplifying the administration procedures in Ha Noi.

-    Circular No. 07/2011/TT-BVHTTDL dated June 7, 2011 of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the amendment, supplement, replacement or repealing and revocation of regulations related to administrative procedures in the framework of the management functions of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, effectively from July 25, 2010.

Administrative procedures