Contents of Administrative procedures - Department of Information and Communications

Procedure Applying for press conference (in Viet Nam)

- Citizen/organization prepares dossier according to the law.
- Citizen/organization selects one option to submit dossier.
One Stop Shop of the Department of Information and Communications receives and checks the dossier.
If the dossier is complete and valid,On e Stop Shop will accept it and issue a receipt with an appointment of the time and date for return of the result.
If it remains incomplete, the applicant will be advised to add.
- Citizen/organization receives result on the date noted in the receipt at One Stop Shop section or via postal service.

Dossiers submitted via postal services are received and handled only if they meet following requirements:
- Papers are notarized according to the law;
- Contact information is included;
- Citizen/organization fills in the Registration form for receiving result of administrative procedures via postal service, and submit it together with the dossier.

Where to submit Where to submit dossiers: Option 1: The dossier can be submitted directly at the One Stop Shop of Department of Information and Communications, 185 Giang Vo Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi - Option 2: Dossier can be submitted via postal service to One Stop Shop of the Department of Information and Communications, 185 Giang Vo Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi - Option 3: Dossier can be submitted online on website of the Department of Information and Communications (www.
Contents and number of the dossier

Dossier components
- Official letter asking for approval to organize a press conference of the organization/agency/legal person, which states clearly content, purpose, time, place, chairperson and attendants of the press conference  
(Valid copies of the papers proving legal person status, list of press agencies attending the conference, and press release;
In case of press conference to announce or introduce an exhibition/ art performance/ information of products relating to health like medicine, milk, functional products, there must be Certificate for Product Quality Registration or a written opinion of specialized agency about product quality, content of exhibition, or license for performance)

Number of dossier: one set

Processing duration Press management agency releases a written agreement latest six hours before the press conference begins.
Objects Organizations, agencies and citizens in Ha Noi and other cities, provinces under the Central Government, who have request for organizing press conference in Ha Noi
Competent agency Department of Information and Communications
Outcome Written agreement
Fee None


Other requirements - Content of the press conference must be in conformity with functions, missions and purposes of the organization, and does not violate regulations in Article 09 of Press Law. - Organization and individuals in Viet Nam must submit a written request at least 24 hours before the conference begins (for the organizations and individuals in Viet Nam)
Legal basis

- Press Law 2016

Administrative procedures