Contents of Administrative procedures - No4 Administrative Procedures of Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs

Procedure Procedure:  Issuing certificates of vocational training registration to Vocational Training Centres with foreign invested capitals.

Citizens and organizations completely prepare documents to submit at the Divisions of Receiving and Returning Administrative Documents under Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, receive the notes of appointment with the date of returning results. Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs receive, solve and return the results to citizens upon the notes of appointment.

Where to submit Directly, at the head offices of Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.
Contents and number of the dossier

+ Application for vocational training operation.

+ Copies of decision on establishing those centres, investment license.

+ Reality report on conditions ensuring training operation of registration scopes 

+ Statutes of the vocational training centres have been approved by competent agencies and organizations.

+ Vocational training programmes of registration scopes.

+ Documents proving regulated conditions: material facilities, theory classrooms, practice workshops; vocational education equipment; teacher staff, managerial staff; vocational training programmes.

* Quantity of documents:    01 (set)



Processing duration
Objects individuals, organizations
Competent agency No4 Administrative Procedures of Departments of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs
Outcome Certificate.
Fee No

   + Application for vocational training operation (form No.01 - promulgated under Decision No.72/2008/QD- BLDTBXH dated December 30, 2008 by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs regulating the registration of vocational training operation)

+ Reality report on conditions ensuring vocational training operation of registration scopes (form No.2 - promulgated under Decision No.72/2008/QD-BLDTBXH dated December 30, 2008 by the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs regulating the registration of vocational training operation)

Other requirements


Legal basis

- Decision No.72/2008/QĐ- BLĐTBXH dated December 30, 2008 by the Minister of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs promulgating regulations on the registration of vocational training operation.

Administrative procedures