Contents of Administrative procedures - Department of Information and Communications

Procedure Issuing License for providing printing services

- Citizen/organization prepares dossier according to the law.
- Citizen/organization selects one option to submit dossier.  
One Stop Shop of the Department of Information and Communications receives and checks the dossier.  If the dossier is complete and valid, One Stop Shop will accept it and issue a receipt with an appointment of the time and date for returning the result.
If it remains incomplete, the applicant will be advised to add.  
- Citizen/organization receives result on the date noted in the receipt at One Stop Shop section or via postal service.
Dossiers submitted via postal services are received and handled only if they meet the following requirements:
- Papers are notarized according to the law;
- Contact information is included;
- Citizen/organization fills in the Registration form for receiving result of administrative procedures via postal service, and submits it together with the dossier.

Where to submit Where to submit dossiers: - Option 1: The dossier can be submitted directly at the One Stop Shop of Department of Information and Communications, 185 Giang Vo Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi - Option 2: Dossier can be submitted via postal service to One Stop Shop of the Department of Information and Communications, 185 Giang Vo Street, Dong Da District, Ha Noi
Contents and number of the dossier

Dossier components
- Application form for License for printing services (according to the form);
- Copy attached with original paper for verification/ or legitimate copy of one of following papers: business registration certificate, enterprises registration certificate, investment certificate, taxation registration certificate, decision on establishing printing workshop (for public unit);
- List of printing equipment (as stipulated);
In case of lack of equipment, the application dossier must included list of equipment to be purchased.
In six months from the date of issuance of license for printing activities, the workshop must complete the purchase/ or rent equipment according to the list, and send copies of receipts on purchasing/ renting the equipment to authority that license printing activities.
- Copy attached with original paper for verification/ or legitimate copy of certificate for meeting security and order requirements issued by competent police;
- CV of leader of printing workshop (as stipulated);
- The leader’s certified copy of bachelor’s degree specializing in printing/ or certificate of printing management issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications
Otherwise, there must be a written commitment, stating that the leader will provide bachelor’s degree specializing in printing/ or certificate of printing management issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications within six months since the date of issuance of license for printing activities.
If enterprises have already publicized information on the National portal for enterprises registration (, they do not have to submit certified copy/ or copy attached with original paper of  enterprises registration certificate. If the enterprises do not publicized their information on the portal yet, they must add these papers.

Number of dossier
01 set

Processing duration 10 working days since receiving complete, valid dossier
Objects Organizations and individual household businesses
Competent agency Department of Information and Communications
Outcome License for printing services
Fee Not stipulated

- Application form for printing services
- CV of the leader of the printing workshop (as stipulated)
- List of printing equipment (as stipulated)

Other requirements The printing workshop is enterprises/ public unit/ household business running business in the field of printing (including independent printing workshop and printing workshop under enterprise, public unit in other fields). - Printing workshop has equipment to fulfill at least one of the following processes: print-out, printing and post-printing: + For print-out process: the printing workshop must have at least one of the following machines: Film recorders, zinc recorders, molding machine + For printing process: the workshop must have printing machine + For print-out process: the printing workshop must have paper cutter and at least one of the following machines: book binding machine (steel or sewn), stapling machine, combined line to complete the products, or machines according to the products; - Having space to process print-out, printing and post-printing out of residential areas (except for printing workshop that only use laser technology and equipment, inkjet technology for A0 size or lower size printing, and household workshop that deals with manual silk screen printing); - Meeting requirements of security and order according to legal regulations; - Leader is Vietnamese citizen who resides lawfully in Viet Nam, with full capacity for civil acts, and has bachelor’s degree specializing in printing/ or has certificate of printing management issued by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Legal basis

- Decree No. 60/2014/ND-CP dated June 19, 2014 of the Government on regulating printing activities;
- Circular No. 03/2015/TT-BTTTT dated March 6, 2015 of the Ministry of Information and Communications on detailing and guiding the implementation of articles and clauses in Decree No. 60/2014/ND-CP dated June 19, 2014 of the Government on stipulating printing activities;
- Decision No. 143 / QĐ-TTg dated February 19, 2016 of the Prime Minister on approving the plan on simplifying administrative procedures and regulations related to the operation of printing workshops under  management of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

Administrative procedures