The Ha Noi People's Council (01:40 31/03/2014)

Add: 79 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Hoan Kiem District.Tel: 04.38253536 Fax: 04.39342232


- People’s Council decides important policies and measures to promote the City’ potential and social economic development; strengthens national defense and security; improves material and spiritual lives of local people; fulfills local obligations for the country;

- People’s Council supervises activities of Standing People's Council, People’s Committee, People's Court, People's Procuracy of the same level; oversees the implementation of the resolutions of People's Councils and the observance the laws of the state agencies, economic organizations, social organizations, people's armed forces and local citizens;

Leaders of Ha Noi People's Council:

1. Ms. Ngo Thi Doan Thanh    

Position: Party Central Committee member, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Chairwoman of the Municipal People's Council

Tel: 0439346278

2. Mr. Le Van Hoat

Position: Deputy chairman of the Municipal People's Council

Tel: 0439346669

3. Mr. Nguyen Van Nam

Position: Permanent member of the municipal People's Council

Tel: 0439363283

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