Ha Noi establishes four industrial clusters in some districts (16:11 26/07/2017)

HNP – Ha Noi People’s Committee has recently issued the Decisions No. 4584/QD-UBND, 4587/QD-UBND, 4592/QD-UBND, 4593/QD-UBND on establishing Ngoc Liep Industrial Cluster (Quoc Oai District), Dac Kho Industrial Cluster (Hoai Duc District), Lien Ha Industrial Cluster (Dong Anh District), Phung Xa civil industrial cluster (Thach That District).

Under the decision, the Ngoc Liep Industrial Cluster in Ngoc Liep Commune is invested by the Quoc Oai district construction and investment project management board. Covering 37.78 hectares, the cluster’s functions include household appliances, furniture, wood processing, building materials, iron, steel and sanitary equipment.

The Dac So Industrial Cluster, invested by the Hoai Duc district construction and investment project management board, covers 6.28 hectares in Dac So Commune with its main functions on cosmetics, mechanics, agro-forestry products processing and building materials.

The Lien Ha Industrial Cluster, invested by the Dong Anh district construction and investment project management board, covers 2.8 hectares in Lien Ha Commune with its main functions on developing industry and small-scale industry (production, forestry processing and home decoration).

The investor of the Phung Xa industrial cluster is the Thach That district construction and investment project management board. Covering 4.2 hectares, its functions are developing industry, small-scale industry (wood processing and household furniture producing).

The city People’s Committee asked the management boards to follow legal regulations on managing industrial clusters. The Department of Industry and Trade is the key organ helping the People’s Committee to perform state management in accordance with legal regulations.

By Le Anh

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